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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Family clock ticking....tock...tick...tock... @ 9:51 PM

To all those wondering: Yes, a bigger family will be in our near future. However, let's just say the goalie has not been pulled yet. In the mean time, Jake and I are dialing in our time together as husband and wife to optimize life as a couple. As a couple, we hold health and fitness in high regard. We believe our beings are a gift from God with no chance of making a return, upgrade, or exchange to a different body while on this earthly soil. He gave us our physical/mental bodies as a sort of built-in-gauge on respect. Namely, if we disrespect our own bodies by not taking care of them, why should we be trusted with another being's life? (i.e. a child's life) In other words, If one takes care of himself, his health will allow him to care for another's need.
"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Sprit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's. "
I Corinthians 6: 19-20
If our bodies are temples, then we want to build clean, organized temples with lots of room for God to make us useful for His glory.
We are ferociously working to be in the best all-around shape this year prior to starting a family. My friend Todd and roommate Clint have inspired me to change up my work-outs even more than I usually do. Jake and I plan to log many days skiing and climbing this winter. However, today I spiced it up and took a trip to UFC's Uriah Faber's Ultimate Gym to work-out. Trainer, Roseanne, kick me into a gear I didn't know I had prior to today. LOVE that! Nothing gets my design juices flowing like a good clean-out, burn-out work-out!!
mandy harper.
Christ follower. wife. cook. athlete. artist. nurse. aspiring mother. farmer. musician. thinker. writer. organizer.
ideate: it's a mad mesh.
art is the creator's freedom.
...infinite firmament....
stay awhile with me and imagine....
my name is mandy harper and design is my passion. interior. landscape. clothing. architecture. food. you name it. basically, if it can be created or changed to bring balance to the soul, then i want to understand its design.
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